
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for coming!  My name is Wallace G. Smith, and I am a pastor in the Living Church of God in the Ohio area and a presenter on the Tomorrow’s World television broadcast.

This is my personal blog, written for my benefit and for that of those in my congregations, and it is not an official website of the church or television program I am blessed to serve.  Paul told the church in Thessalonica that affectionate longing for them motivated him to share not only the gospel but also his own life with them (1 Thess. 2:8), and that motivation is a good part of the “why” behind this blog.  But I do not pretend to be able to compartmentalize my life into neat little areas, so pastor, person, and math nerd will all show up in the mix.  I am who I am (even as I strive to be something better!), so I write here about what grabs my attention or what catches my eye as being worth pointing others to.  I hope that you will find the content here helpful and informative!

My passion is Original Christianity–the Christianity of Jesus Christ and the Bible–and given that the “Christianity” we see around us does not generally reflect that Christianity, heated discussions may certainly occur.  But if there is anything worth being passionate about in this world anymore, it is the truth.  And while a time is coming when that truth–the real truth–will prevail over the lies that surround us all, I hope that these thoughts that I express here while we are all “en route” to that time will be a help to you.

Whether they express agreement or disagreement, comments are heartily welcome (within the admittedly fuzzy boundaries of the Comment Policy), but a lack of civility is not.  And I must admit that I am not immune from the need for that admonition, as well!  If the lack of civility is ever on my part, please let me know and I will endeavor to apologize ASAP.

Thanks for stopping by!